Sunday 3 November 2013


In this advert, aspects of semiotics are used, especially colour. This advert is made up of two main colours; black/dark colour and yellow/gold. The background is completely black or dark with the women as the central image with her skin colour giving off a tanned colour which looks like a yellow/golden colour. There is also the Wonderbra tag in the top right corner. Because of the contrasting colours the image of the women stands out. The women's bra is also black which then makes her body and breasts stand out even more. Another semiotic is the text. The text is in plain white (so again it is contrasting) and it says; “I can't cook. Who cares?" it is positioned cleverly, just above her breasts so our eyes are drawn to that area, even if they weren't already. This anchorage supports the advert and adds an additional message to it rather than just having women in her bra. The statement, "I can't cook. Who cares?" is basically trying to say in a literal sense 'I have big boobs so men will like me therefore I don't need to be able to cook'. So the message is putting a stereotype across to men, that all we look for in a women is either big boobs or able to cook, so if they can do both great. In this case she only has the breasts. However the audience for this advert is supposed to be women even though it will obviously grab men's attention too. So the message for women is that the Wonderbra will improve your breasts and make them more appealing or larger. (And this will help just in case you can't cook.) Another main use of semiotics is the person they use. It is again a stereotypical image; a provocative blonde woman with large breasts. Some people would argue that this is sexist or stereotypical showing this certain image, as it could just show a blonde bimbo. They would also argue the stereotypical blonde women with large breasts but I would think Wonderbra did lots of research before deciding what type of women to use. She also has a very provocative expression and stance. She has her thumbs through the bra straps, curly or messy hair and has her mouth slightly open and slightly smiling almost teasingly. Most denotations are obvious. It’s promoting Wonderbra, the image is showing how the bra can enhance your breasts, and it could also be saying that women don't have to be able to cook to attract men, but they might have to have large breasts instead.

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