Thursday 28 November 2013

The Notebook

Semiotics and Connotation:

  • The house- Old, Broken railing, past, sepia, contrast with top, dying trees, confusion.
  • Top image- Kissing, anchorage gives away its a romantic, women's face.
  • Dark colours, misrepresentation, confusing.

  • Anchorage, Text top and bottom.
  • Based on a Best Selling Novel.
  • Relationship.
  • audience attraction- romance, women, relationships.
  • Older age-28+.
  • Couples.
  • Women (stereotypical).
  • Romantic.
  • Confusion of Horror/Thriller because of images.
  • Overcoming obstacles.
  • Focus on women.
  • Love.
  • Kissing the man- desperate love, sadness, heartbreak?.
  • death?.

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