Sunday 3 November 2013


In this advert, semiotics such as colour, text and messages are used. Colour is used in a number of ways, for example, the colour of his T-Shirt and hoodie could relate to his background or stereotype, such as the orange shirt could relate to jail, as they wear orange shirts or overalls in jail. This relates to the actual person used and his skin colour. The advert uses a dark skinned man which could link to racial background and stereotype. This is because, some people in society would relate racial background and people wearing ‘hoodies’ into a certain group, which wouldn't have a good public image. As well as this, it is a man used and not a women, this could be because of the gender stereotype society also has, with the males more likely being aggressive and hanging around in 'gangs'. The type of text used is also important in this advert. The text is shaped or shown as newspaper clippings put together to create a message. The first clipping says "Labeled", this shows us the message of the text and also relates the person and the text as we know it is him that has been labeled. It also says "Your little tag is way off", this shows the clippings are put together to form a first person speech, but the quote shows that he is telling society that the stereotype they have given him is wrong. This text is a strong anchorage, as without it we wouldn't understand the clear meaning of the advert.
There are some connotations that i relate to this advert, such as the link to prison and societies stereotypes. Society has given him a stereotype which most likely isn't positive but through the anchorage of the text we learn that the stereotype is wrong, with him saying; "the last thing i lit up was a rugby score board" this is relating to the use of drugs which he obviously does not do. In the text it also shows us how he has family responsibilities so overall he's not who you think he is. Certain denotation's in this advert, are the seriousness of the advert which we recognise through what the advert is about, also through the man's facial expression. The main denotation is society and stereotypes.  Society has given this person a certain stereotype which may be because of a number of factors such as; his skin colour or the fact he is wearing a hoodie. But he has basically turned around and said he is nothing like society thinks he's like and you can't judge him just on his appearance or skin colour.

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